Up = 8, Right = 6, Left = 4, Down = 5. You'll figure out the rest. If you don't, see 'Game Play' below for more details.
Eight months ago I sat down with a book to learn how to program the Macintosh. I wanted to attempt a simulation of the old arcade game, Quix. Platforms is the result. I can't remember how everything was in that coin-op game, and have therefore added some things of my own. Some of the elements I can remember haven't been added, either because they're too complex or too time-consuming, or both, for me to implement. The game is still under construction and I'm learning things all the time. If you ever thought about learning to program the Macintosh, then do it! It's a wonderful and rewarding machine to program. And, if you pay the shareware fee and send a self-addressed and stamped envelope, then I'll send you the code for Platforms 4.0.
I would like for this game to be shareware. That is, there's a small fee you ought to pay if you like the game or want to receive the first version, and I retain the rights to Platforms; the game shouldn't be changed or added to. You may make copies of Platforms to give to others as long as this file is copied and stays with the game. It has taken a lot of after-work hours, not to mention an substantial investment in Mac Programming literature to get Platforms to where it is. I would greatly appreciate your sending a 50 Kroner ($5.00) shareware fee and any comments you have about Platforms, and I'll register you for the next version.
Send to:
Tucker A. Roth OR George Lewis
Hedebygade 10, 2th PO Box 304
1754 Copenhagen V Eldorado Springs, Co.
Danmark 80025
Thanks for trying the game out...have a good time!
Game Play:
What you've got here is the Beta version of platforms. There aren╒t many features or rules. The idea is that you (the red cursor) are on a platform, and Nastie (the worm-like beastie) is taking up your space. You want to cut off his space by moving from the edges to the middle, and back out to the edge again, effectively cutting off some territory which then becomes yours. When you have cut off enough territory, you've won that level. You are safe from Nastie as long as you are on the perimeter or along the walls of territory you╒ve claimed. While you╒re in the middle cutting away, both you and the path that you╒ve travelled are Nastie-bait.
You can jail Nastie by cutting off a piece of territory that he is in. He stays jailed for 10-15 seconds, and then reappears in unclaimed territory.
Watch out for Homer (diamond-like figure). He won╒t get your path, but he'll get you. If you catch Homer in your territory he╒ll do one of two things: if he╒s not completely in your territory, he climbs out; if he╒s fully off the platform, then he falls to his death below.
'Spark' is another one to watch out for. He goes around the perimeter of Nastie's territory and can get you, even if your on your safe wall.
Note that to start you must click the mouse in the openning screen.
To move Left, use the ╘4╒ key, Right = ╘6╒, Up = ╘8╒, Down = ╘5╒.
The point system is this:
10 pts = Cursor Moves One Move
100 pts = Completed Territory
200 pts = Jailing Nastie
200 pts = Falling Homer
400 pts = Finished Level
-75 pts = Every territory you claim over 10. Taking little
territories is too easy.
Platforms requires Color Quickdraw and needs to be set to 16 colors. Platforms is System 7.0 compatible.